
Even after a few years since I've started my journey experimenting with natural dyes, I am still amazed by the natural colours of logwood and how the colour spectrum ranges from purples to greys. 

Logwood Tree – a species of trees that is native to southern Mexico and northern Central America. A source of natural dye, the logwood dye is extracted from the heartwood (inner) of the tree. Photo from here.

Logwood Tree – a species of trees that is native to southern Mexico and northern Central America. A source of natural dye, the logwood dye is extracted from the heartwood (inner) of the tree. Photo from here.

Before going into the dye pot.

Before going into the dye pot.

Undyed wool

Undyed wool

Canvas dyed in logwood.

Canvas dyed in logwood.

Logwood dyes, after being in the pot for a few days.

Logwood dyes, after being in the pot for a few days.

Wool in logwood dye pot.

Wool in logwood dye pot.

Cotton dyed in logwood.

Cotton dyed in logwood.


Beeswax Tea Dyed Bag


Selected Writings – Anni Albers